Liffting Of The Bladder also Face Rejuvenation

What is an Face Liftings?


With age, the face displays the effects of time. The features change, the skin slackens, and wrinkles inevitably make their appearance.
To delay the effects of time and restore the face's firmness and youthfulness, a face, cheekbone and neck lift is an effective solution.
In Turkey, all types of facelifts are performed. Facelift surgery allow to effectively treat the first signs of face sagging without visible scars.
Facial plastic surgeons use the most advanced techniques:
- The temporal lift is a procedure for a heavy and drooping eyebrow. Alone or in combination with a blepharoplasty, it allows to open up the eye and give a brighter gaze.
- The malar lift rejuvenates the middle third of the face, i.e. the central part, and treats the naso-genial folds and cheek wrinkles.
- A full facelift provides excellent results for people who experience natural aging of the skin, the various face muscles and the subcutaneous tissue. A successful facelift should give a fresh and luminous appearance without the features appearing pulled.
- The mini facelift is a minimally invasive, gentle and modern technique of cosmetic surgery. It is intended for patients with the onset of skin laxity on the face, lower face or neck. It provides spectacular results, rejuvenating the face while maintaining a natural appearance.
- The endoscopic frontal lift is a light facelift. With the use of 3 to 4 incisions located in the scalp, the forehead is lifted under camera control. The muscles accountable for the frown lines are cut as well as those responsible for the forehead wrinkles. The skin is then pulled upwards and fixed with special threads. The advantage of this procedure is that it allows to lift the forehead and eyebrows.
- The neck lift is a procedure that falls under the scope of facial cosmetic surgery. It is intended for people who suffer from sagging and drooping skin in the neck, lower facial muscles and chin

Face Liftings F.A.Q

A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to rejuvenate the appearance of the face by tightening the skin and underlying tissues, removing excess skin and reducing wrinkles and folds.

Recovery from a facelift can vary depending on the individual and the technique used by the surgeon. In general, a recovery period of about two weeks should be allowed, during which time strenuous physical activity should be avoided and the surgeon's instructions for postoperative care should be followed.

Facelift results can last for several years, but they are not permanent. Age-related changes continue to occur after surgery, which means that results may begin to fade after a few years.


